
Added Logout virtual resource
Added a new Logout response generator for virtual resources, enabling you to customize logout behavior for each application. See Adding application resources for more information.
CRL processing improvements
PingAccess now supports trace-level logging to help troubleshoot certification revocation issues and provides an option to bypass trust anchor validation. This helps improve interoperability with CA infrastructure. See Creating trusted certificate groups for more information.
Added support for web session access token identity mappings
PingAccess now supports creating web session access token identity mappings. This helps ease integration with existing APIs, in particular in the context of Single Page Applications (SPAs). See Creating web session access token identity mappings for more information.
Added support for reversed trust chain certificate validation
PingAccess now supports validation for client certificate chains that are not in the standard order, such as a reversed certificate chain of [root, intermediate, leaf]. See Creating trusted certificate groups for more information.

Removed features

Runtime state clustering
PingAccess no longer supports runtime state clustering. Clustered environments that do not use runtime state clustering are not affected.

Resolved issues

Ticket ID Description
PA-14403 Fixed a potential security issue.
PA-14296 Fixed a potential security issue.
PA-14284 Fixed a potential security issue.
PA-14279 Fixed a potential security issue.
PA-14287 Fixed a potential security issue.
PA-14331 Fixed a potential security issue.
PA-14302 Fixed a potential security issue.
PA-14134 Fixed a potential security issue.
PA-14135 Fixed a potential security issue.
PA-14143 Fixed a potential security issue.
PA-14542 Fixed a typo in the Content-Security-Policy header that prevented PingAccess from loading external scripts from HTML responses.
PA-14541 Fixed an issue in the CRL client certificate authentication flow that returned a 500 error code when PingAccess is in FIPS mode.
PA-14421 Updated the PingAccess UI to display the alias of the selected certificates in the Trusted Certificate Group List.
PA-14433 Fixed an issue that limited the host field for the Primary Administrative Node to 64 characters, instead of the standard 255 characters.
PA-14083 Added handling to URL encode client secrets with special characters per RFC 6749.
PA-14445 Fixed an issue where upon detecting a revoked certificate in a chain, PingAccess incorrectly assumes it is always the first cert in the chain.
PA-14304 Fixed an issue that returned a 500 error when requesting keypairs endpoints with special characters in the chain certs field.
PA-14467 Fixed an issue that caused key rolling to result in Admin Token Provider and System Token Provider being switched.
PA-14477 Fixed a typo that could cause warnings when running PingAccess as a Windows Service.
PA-14402 Fixed an issue that prevented PingAccess from encoding non-ASCII characters when they are in the domain only.
PA-14468 Fixed an issue that caused PingAccess to trigger an error when using the PingAuthorize Access Control rule and the target Sideband provider returns a response that omits the response.body parameter.
PA-14392 Fixed an issue that caused PingAccess Admin UI to incorrectly initialize an application with the state of another application leading to scenarios where an administrator could mistakenly update an application with the data of another application.
PA-14314 Fixed an issue that prevented header warnings from being sent for PEM key pairs with a single duplicate chain certificate.
PA-14258 Added INFO level logging at the start of configuration import.
PA-14280 Fixed an issue that prevented an ACME request with an INVALID state and an empty problem description from displaying correctly.
PA-14290 Fixed an issue that caused the PingAccess Sideband transport to only use fixed ports when performing resource matching against incoming sideband API requests.
PA-14238 Fixed an issue that caused disabled algorithms to appear on the Signing Algorithm drop down menu on the Auth Token Management page.
PA-14265 Fixed an issue that prevented the SSO Admin Authentication method in the PingAccess admin console from functioning in clustered PingAccess deployments when Private Key JWT client authentication is used.
PA-14029 Fixed an issue that caused PingAccess Sideband API to return an error when no scope claim is configured in the access token.
PA-14305 Fixed an issue where the 'Transfer-Encoding' request header is dropped from inbound PingAccess Sideband API request results.
PA-14472 Improved error message when supplying an empty string to fields that expect a charset.