Class CollectionUtil


public final class CollectionUtil extends Object
  • Method Details

    • newCaseInsensitiveSet

      public static SortedSet<String> newCaseInsensitiveSet()
      Creates a case-insensitive set.
      An empty case-insensitive set
    • isCaseInsensitiveSet

      public static boolean isCaseInsensitiveSet(Set<?> set)
      Returns true if the given set is a case-insensitive set.
      set - The set. May be null.
      true if the given set is a case-insensitive set
    • newCaseInsensitiveMap

      public static <T> SortedMap<String,T> newCaseInsensitiveMap()
      Creates a case-insensitive map.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The object type of the map
      An empty case-insensitive map
    • isCaseInsensitiveMap

      public static boolean isCaseInsensitiveMap(Map<?,?> map)
      Returns true if the given map is a case-insensitive map.
      map - The map. May be null.
      true if the given map is a case-insensitive map
    • nullAsEmpty

      public static <T> Collection<T> nullAsEmpty(Collection<T> c)
      Protects from null and returns a new instance of HashSet. if the parameter c is null.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the collection
      c - collection to check
      if null new HashSet otherwise the parameter that was passed in or
    • nullAsEmpty

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> nullAsEmpty(Map<T,K> map)
      Protects from null and returns a new instance of HashMap if the parameter map is null. Otherwise return the parameter that was passed in.
    • nullAsEmpty

      public static <T> Set<T> nullAsEmpty(Set<T> set)
      Protects from null and returns a new instance of HashSet if the parameter set is null. Otherwise return the parameter that was passed in.
    • nullAsEmpty

      public static <T> List<T> nullAsEmpty(List<T> list)
      Protects from null and returns a new instance of ArrayList if the parameter list is null . Otherwise return the parameter that was passed in.
    • isEmpty

      public static <T> boolean isEmpty(Collection<T> c)
      Determine if Collection is empty or not, protects against null being passed in.
    • unique

      public static <T> Collection<T> unique(Collection<T> c)
      Use HashSet to create a unique Collection based on the one passed in. The method protects against null. The returned Collection is unmodifiable.
    • newReadOnlyMap

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> newReadOnlyMap(Map<T,K> map)
    • asReadOnlyMap

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> asReadOnlyMap(Map<T,K> map)
    • newReadOnlyMap

      public static <T> Map<T,T> newReadOnlyMap(T[][] kv)
    • newMapFromLists

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> newMapFromLists(List<T> keys, List<K> values)
      Converts two List to a map. The order is important here because each key will map to one value.
    • newMap

      public static Map<String,String> newMap(Properties properties)
    • newMap

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> newMap(T k0, K v0)
    • newMap

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> newMap(T k0, K v0, T k1, K v1)
    • newMap

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> newMap(T k0, K v0, T k1, K v1, T k2, K v2)
    • newMap

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> newMap(T k0, K v0, T k1, K v1, T k2, K v2, T k3, K v3)
    • newMap

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> newMap(T k0, K v0, T k1, K v1, T k2, K v2, T k3, K v3, T k4, K v4)
    • newMap

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> newMap(T k0, K v0, T k1, K v1, T k2, K v2, T k3, K v3, T k4, K v4, T k5, K v5)
    • newMap

      public static <T, K> Map<T,K> newMap(T[] k, K[] v)
      Builds a map from two arrays.
      k - Array of keys.
      v - Array of values.
      a map based on the two arrays.
    • newSet

      public static <T> Set<T> newSet(Collection<T> c)
      Creates a set that can be modified from the Collection provided.
    • newSet

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> Set<T> newSet(T... arr)
      Creates a set that can be modified from the arguments.
    • newReadOnlySet

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> Set<T> newReadOnlySet(T... arr)
      Creates an unmodifiable set from a variable number arguments.
    • newReadOnlySet

      public static <T> Set<T> newReadOnlySet(Collection<T> c)
      Creates an unmodifiable set from a Collection.
    • union

      public static <T> Set<T> union(Collection<T> c1, Collection<T> c2)
      Returns the union of two Collections as an unmodifiable set.
    • intersection

      public static <T> Set<T> intersection(Collection<T> c1, Collection<T> c2)
      Returns the intersection of two Collections as an unmodifiable set.
    • newSortedList

      public static <T extends Object & Comparable<? super T>> List<T> newSortedList(Collection<? extends T> col)
      Create a modifiable sorted List based on the Collection provided.
    • newList

      public static <T> List<T> newList(Collection<? extends T> c)
      Create a modifiable list from the Collection provided. The return value is backed by an ArrayList.
    • newList

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> List<T> newList(T... arr)
      Create a modifiable list from the arguments. The return value is backed by an ArrayList.
    • newReadOnlyList

      public static <T> List<T> newReadOnlyList(List<? extends T> list)
      Create an unmodifiable List based on the List passed in checks for null and returns an empty list if null is passed in. This one insures that the order is maintained between lists.
    • newReadOnlyList

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> List<T> newReadOnlyList(T... obj)
      Creates an unmodifiable List from a variable number arguments.
    • newReadOnlyList

      public static <T> List<T> newReadOnlyList(Collection<? extends T> c)
      Creates an unmodifiable List from a collection.
    • asReadOnlyList

      public static <T> List<T> asReadOnlyList(List<T> list)
      Returns a read-only list. The list is backed by the original so no copy is made.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the list
      list - The list or null.
      A read-only proxy on the original list.
    • forceCompare

      public static <T> int forceCompare(Object o1, Object o2)
      Forces the compare of two comparable objects and removes any warnings generated by the compiler.
      Comparable the integer value of o1.compareTo(o2).
    • hashCode

      public static int hashCode(Object o)
      hashCode function that properly handles arrays, collections, maps, collections of arrays, and maps of arrays.
      o - The object. May be null.
      the hashCode
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2)
      Equality function that properly handles arrays, lists, maps, lists of arrays, and maps of arrays.

      NOTE: For Sets, this relies on the equals method of the Set to do the right thing. This is a reasonable assumption since, in order for Sets to behave properly as Sets, their values must already have a proper implementation of equals. (Or they must be specialized Sets that define a custom comparator that knows how to do the right thing). The same holds true for Map keys. Map values, on the other hand, are compared (so Map values can be arrays).

      o1 - The first object. May be null.
      o2 - The second object. May be null.
      true if the two objects are equal.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2, boolean equalsIgnoreCase)
      Equality function that properly handles arrays, lists, maps, lists of arrays, and maps of arrays.

      NOTE: For Sets, this relies on the equals method of the Set to do the right thing. This is a reasonable assumption since, in order for Sets to behave properly as Sets, their values must already have a proper implementation of equals. (Or they must be specialized Sets that define a custom comparator that knows how to do the right thing). The same holds true for Map keys. Map values, on the other hand, are compared (so Map values can be arrays).

      o1 - The first object. May be null.
      o2 - The second object. May be null.
      equalsIgnoreCase - if true the String and Character comparison is case-ignore
      true if the two objects are equal.