Class StringUtil


public final class StringUtil extends Object
String Utilities.
  • Method Details

    • indexOfDigit

      public static int indexOfDigit(String str, int startidx)
      Finds the index of the first digit and starts from the index specified.
      str - String to search for a digit.
      startidx - Starting index from which to search
      -1 if not found otherwise the index.
    • indexOfDigit

      public static int indexOfDigit(String str)
      Finds the index of the first digit.
      str - String to seach for a digit.
      -1 if not found otherwise the index.
    • indexOfNonDigit

      public static int indexOfNonDigit(String str, int startidx)
      Finds the index of the first non digit and starts from the index specified.
      str - String to seach for a non digit.
      startidx - Starting index from which to search.
      -1 if not found otherwise the index.
    • indexOfNonDigit

      public static int indexOfNonDigit(String str)
      Finds the index of the first non digit.
      str - String to seach for a non digit.
      -1 if not found otherwise the index.
    • subDigitString

      public static String subDigitString(String str)
      Return the string of digits from string.
      str - Source string to search.
    • subDigitString

      public static String subDigitString(String str, int idx)
      Return the string of digits from string.
      str - Source string to search.
      idx - Start index from which to search.
    • stripXmlAttribute

      public static String stripXmlAttribute(String src, String attrName)
      Removes the attribute from the source string and returns.
    • stripNewlines

      public static String stripNewlines(String src)
      Removes newline characters (0x0a and 0x0d) from a string.
    • indexOfIgnoreCase

      public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(String src, String cmp)
      Finds the start index of the comparison string regards of case.
      src - String to search.
      cmp - Comparsion string to find.
      -1 if not found otherwise the index of the starting character.
    • stripXmlComments

      public static String stripXmlComments(String src)
      Strip XML comments.
    • indexOf

      public static int indexOf(String src, char[] ch)
    • indexOf

      public static int indexOf(String src, char[] ch, int idx)
    • isEmpty

      public static boolean isEmpty(String val)
      Determines if a string is empty. Empty is defined as null or empty string.
        StringUtil.isEmpty(null)               = true
        StringUtil.isEmpty("")       = true
        StringUtil.isEmpty(" ")      = false
        StringUtil.isEmpty("bob")    = false
        StringUtil.isEmpty(" bob ")  = false
      val - string to evaluate as empty.
      true if the string is empty else false.
    • isNotEmpty

      public static boolean isNotEmpty(String val)
      Determines if a string is not empty. Its the exact opposite for isEmpty(String).
      val - string to evaluate.
      true if the string is not empty
    • isBlank

      public static boolean isBlank(String val)
      Checks if a String is whitespace, empty ("") or null.
            StringUtil.isBlank(null)                = true
            StringUtil.isBlank("")        = true
            StringUtil.isBlank(" ")       = true
            StringUtil.isBlank("bob")     = false
            StringUtil.isBlank("  bob  ") = false
      val - the String to check, may be null
      true if the String is null, empty or whitespace
    • isNotBlank

      public static boolean isNotBlank(String val)
      Checks if a String is not empty (""), not null and not whitespace only.
            StringUtil.isBlank(null)                = true
            StringUtil.isBlank("")        = true
            StringUtil.isBlank(" ")       = true
            StringUtil.isBlank("bob")     = false
            StringUtil.isBlank("  bob  ") = false
      val - the String to check, may be null
      true if the String is not empty and not null and not whitespace
    • toProperties

      public static Properties toProperties(String value)
      Returns a properties object w/ the key/value pairs parsed from the string passed in.
    • replaceVariable

      public static String replaceVariable(String o, String var, String val)
      Simple variable replacement internally using regular expressions.
       String o = "Some string with a ${variable} in it.";
       String n = replaceVariable(o, "variable", "something");
       String r = "Some string with a something in it";
       assert r.equals(n);
      o - Original string to do the replacement on.
      var - String representation of the variable to replace.
      val - Value to replace the variable with.
      String will all the variables replaced with the value.
      IllegalArgumentException - if o is null, var is blank, or val is null.
    • endsWith

      public static boolean endsWith(String str, char value)
      Determines if the string parameter 'str' ends with the character value.
      str - String to check for the character at the end.
      value - The character to look for at the end of the string.
      true if character parameter is found at the end of the string parameter otherwise false.
    • parseLine

      public static List<String> parseLine(String line, char fsep, char tqul)
      Parses a line into a List of strings.
      line - String to parse.
      fsep - Field separator
      tqul - Text qualifier.
      list of string separated by a delimiter passed in by 'fsep' and text is qualified by the parameter 'tqul'.
    • isWhitespace

      public static boolean isWhitespace(char ch)
      Determine if this is a white space character. Whitespace characters are defined as the character ' ' and the tab character.
    • randomString

      public static String randomString()
      Create a random Unicode string.
    • randomString

      public static String randomString(Random r)
      Create a random length Unicode string based on the Random object passed in.
    • randomString

      public static String randomString(Random r, int length)
      Create a random string of fixed length based on the Random object passed in. Insure that the string is built w/ Unicode characters.
      r - used to get random unicode characters.
      length - fixed length of string.
      a randomly generated string based on the parameters.