
public final class SearchResult extends Object
The final result of a query request returned after all connector objects matching the request have been returned. In addition to indicating that no more objects are to be returned by the search, the search result will contain page results state information if result paging has been enabled for the search.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    An enum of count policy types.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The value provided when no count is known or can reasonably be supplied.
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a new search result with a null paged results cookie and no estimate of the total number of remaining results.
    SearchResult(String pagedResultsCookie, int remainingPagedResults)
    Creates a new search result with the provided paged results cookie and estimate of the total number of remaining results.
    SearchResult(String pagedResultsCookie, SearchResult.CountPolicy totalPagedResultsPolicy, int totalPagedResults, int remainingPagedResults)
    Creates a new query response with the provided paged results cookie and a count of the total number of resources according to totalPagedResultsPolicy.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the opaque cookie which should be used with the next paged results search request.
    Returns an estimate of the total number of remaining results to be returned in subsequent paged results search requests.
    Returns the total number of paged results in adherence with the OperationOptions.getTotalPagedResultsPolicy() in the request or NO_COUNT if paged results were not requested, the count policy is NONE, or the total number of paged results is unknown.
    Returns the policy that was used to calculate the totalPagedResults.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • NO_COUNT

      public static final int NO_COUNT
      The value provided when no count is known or can reasonably be supplied.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SearchResult

      public SearchResult()
      Creates a new search result with a null paged results cookie and no estimate of the total number of remaining results.
    • SearchResult

      public SearchResult(String pagedResultsCookie, int remainingPagedResults)
      Creates a new search result with the provided paged results cookie and estimate of the total number of remaining results.
      pagedResultsCookie - The opaque cookie which should be used with the next paged results search request, or null if paged results were not requested, or if there are not more pages to be returned.
      remainingPagedResults - An estimate of the total number of remaining results to be returned in subsequent paged results search requests, or -1 if paged results were not requested, or if the total number of remaining results is unknown.
    • SearchResult

      public SearchResult(String pagedResultsCookie, SearchResult.CountPolicy totalPagedResultsPolicy, int totalPagedResults, int remainingPagedResults)
      Creates a new query response with the provided paged results cookie and a count of the total number of resources according to totalPagedResultsPolicy.
      pagedResultsCookie - The opaque cookie which should be used with the next paged results query request, or null if paged results were not requested, or if there are not more pages to be returned.
      totalPagedResultsPolicy - The policy that was used to calculate totalPagedResults. If none is specified (null ), then SearchResult.CountPolicy.NONE is assumed.
      totalPagedResults - The total number of paged results requested in adherence to the OperationOptions.getTotalPagedResultsPolicy() in the request, or NO_COUNT if paged results were not requested, the count policy is NONE, or if the total number of results is unknown.
      remainingPagedResults - An estimate of the total number of remaining results to be returned in subsequent paged results query requests, or -1 if paged results were not requested, or if the total number of remaining results is unknown.
  • Method Details

    • getPagedResultsCookie

      public String getPagedResultsCookie()
      Returns the opaque cookie which should be used with the next paged results search request.
      The opaque cookie which should be used with the next paged results search request, or null if paged results were not requested, or if there are not more pages to be returned.
    • getTotalPagedResultsPolicy

      public SearchResult.CountPolicy getTotalPagedResultsPolicy()
      Returns the policy that was used to calculate the totalPagedResults.
      The count policy.
      See Also:
    • getTotalPagedResults

      public int getTotalPagedResults()
      Returns the total number of paged results in adherence with the OperationOptions.getTotalPagedResultsPolicy() in the request or NO_COUNT if paged results were not requested, the count policy is NONE, or the total number of paged results is unknown.
      A count of the total number of paged results to be returned in subsequent paged results query requests, or NO_COUNT if paged results were not requested, or if the total number of paged results is unknown.
    • getRemainingPagedResults

      public int getRemainingPagedResults()
      Returns an estimate of the total number of remaining results to be returned in subsequent paged results search requests.
      An estimate of the total number of remaining results to be returned in subsequent paged results search requests, or -1 if paged results were not requested, or if the total number of remaining results is unknown.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object