Class IdRepoException

    • Constructor Detail

      • IdRepoException

        public IdRepoException()
      • IdRepoException

        public IdRepoException​(String msg)
        msg - The message provided by the object which is throwing the exception
      • IdRepoException

        public IdRepoException​(String msg,
                               String errorCode)
      • IdRepoException

        public IdRepoException​(String rbName,
                               String errorCode,
                               String ldapErrCode,
                               Object[] args)
        Passing in an ldapErrorCode as a String is not recommended, use the OO ctor instead.
        This constructor is used to pass the localized error message At this level, the locale of the caller is not known and it is not possible to throw localized error message at this level. Instead this constructor provides Resource Bundle name ,error code and LDAP error code ( in case of LDAP related exception for correctly locating the error message. The default getMessage() will always return English messages only. This is in consistent with current JRE.
        rbName - Resource bundle Name to be used for getting localized error message.
        errorCode - Key to resource bundle. You can use ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBunde.getBundle(rbName,locale); String localizedStr = rb.getString(errorCode).
        ldapErrCode - ldap error code
        args - arguments to message. If it is not present pass the as null.
      • IdRepoException

        public IdRepoException​(String rbName,
                               String errorCode,
                               ResultCode ldapResultCode,
                               Object[] args)
        This constructor is used to pass the localized error message At this level, the locale of the caller is not known and it is not possible to throw localized error message at this level. Instead this constructor provides Resource Bundle name ,error code and LDAP Result Code ( in case of LDAP related exception for correctly locating the error message. The default getMessage() will always return English messages only. This is in consistent with current JRE.
        rbName - Resource bundle Name to be used for getting localized error message.
        errorCode - Key to resource bundle. You can use ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBunde.getBundle(rbName,locale); String localizedStr = rb.getString(errorCode).
        ldapResultCode - ldap result code
        args - arguments to message. If it is not present pass the as null.
      • IdRepoException

        public IdRepoException​(String rbName,
                               String errorCode,
                               Object... args)
        This constructor is used to pass the localized error message At this level, the locale of the caller is not known and it is not possible to throw localized error message at this level. Instead this constructor provides Resource Bundle name and error code for correctly locating the error message. The default getMessage() will always return English messages only. This is in consistent with current JRE.
        rbName - Resource bundle Name to be used for getting localized error message.
        errorCode - Key to resource bundle. You can use ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBunde.getBundle(rbName,locale); String localizedStr = rb.getString(errorCode).
        args - arguments to message. If it is not present pass the as null.
    • Method Detail

      • getL10NMessage

        public String getL10NMessage​(Locale locale)
        Returns a localized error message
        locale - Uses the locale object to create the appropriate localized error message
        localized error message.
        See Also:
        IdRepoException(String, String, Object[])
      • getResourceBundleName

        public String getResourceBundleName()
        Returns ResourceBundle Name associated with this error message.
        ResourceBundle name associated with this error message.
        See Also:
        IdRepoException(String, String, Object[])
      • getLdapErrorIntCode

        public int getLdapErrorIntCode()
        Returns an int representation of ldapErrCode. This is to be used with ResultCode.valueOf() which will return a valid ResultCode object regardless of the return of this method. A null or invalid ldapErrorCode will return -1.
        an int representation of this exception's LDAP error code.
      • getLDAPErrorCode

        public String getLDAPErrorCode()
        Use #getLdapErrorIntCode() instead. The ldap error code is always an int
        Returns the LDAP error code associated with this error message.
        Error code associated with this error message and null if not caused by LDAPException.
        See Also:
        IdRepoException(String, String, Object[])
      • getMessageArgs

        public Object[] getMessageArgs()
        Returns arguments for formatting this error message.
        arguments for formatting this error message. You need to use MessageFormat class to format the message It can be null.
        See Also:
        IdRepoException(String, String, Object[])
      • getMessage

        public String getMessage()
        Returns the error message of this exception.
        getMessage in class Throwable
        String representing the error message
      • getConstraintViolationDetails

        public String getConstraintViolationDetails()
        If this error is an instance of a LDAP Constraint Violated Error (LDAP code 313) attempts to return useful information about the error that occured without leaking additional information about the system to the calling user. If this error is not an instance of LDAP Constraint Violated Error, the message of the error is returned.
        a user-facing representation of this exception.