Class SAMLResponderException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.sun.identity.shared.locale.L10NMessage, Serializable

    public class SAMLResponderException
    extends SAMLException
    This exception is thrown when the request could not be performed due to an error at the receiving end.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SAMLResponderException

        public SAMLResponderException​(String s)
        Constructs an SAMLResponderException with a message.
        s - exception message.
      • SAMLResponderException

        public SAMLResponderException​(Throwable t)
        Constructs an SAMLResponderException with given Throwable.
        t - Exception nested in the new exception.
      • SAMLResponderException

        public SAMLResponderException​(String rbName,
                                      String errorCode,
                                      Object[] args)
        Constructs a new SAMLResponderException without a nested Throwable.
        rbName - Resource Bundle Name to be used for getting localized error message.
        errorCode - Key to resource bundle. You can use
         ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBunde.getBundle (rbName,locale);
         String localizedStr = rb.getString(errorCode);
        args - arguments to message. If it is not present pass them as null