Class FedletAdapter

  • @SupportedAll
    public abstract class FedletAdapter
    extends Object
    The FedletAdapter abstract class provides methods that could be extended to perform user specific logics during SAMLv2 protocol processing on the Service Provider side. The implementation class could be configured on a per service provider basis in the extended metadata configuration.

    A singleton instance of this FedletAdapter class will be used per Service Provider during runtime, so make sure implementation of the methods are thread safe.

    • Field Detail


        public static final String HOSTED_ENTITY_ID
        Constants for hosted entity id parameter
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • FedletAdapter

        public FedletAdapter()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public abstract void initialize​(Map initParams)
        Initializes the fedlet adapter, this method will only be executed once after creation of the adapter instance.
        initParams - initial set of parameters configured in the fedlet for this adapter. One of the parameters named HOSTED_ENTITY_ID refers to the ID of this fedlet entity.
      • doFedletSLO

        public boolean doFedletSLO​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                   javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
                                   LogoutRequest logoutReq,
                                   String hostedEntityID,
                                   String idpEntityID,
                                   List siList,
                                   String nameIDValue,
                                   String binding)
                            throws SAML2Exception
        Invokes after Fedlet receives SLO request from IDP. It does the work of logout the user.
        request - servlet request
        response - servlet response
        hostedEntityID - entity ID for the fedlet
        idpEntityID - entity id for the IDP to which the request is received from.
        siList - List of SessionIndex whose session to be logged out
        nameIDValue - nameID value whose session to be logged out
        binding - Single Logout binding used, one of following values: SAML2Constants.SOAP, SAML2Constants.HTTP_POST, SAML2Constants.HTTP_REDIRECT
        true if user is logged out successfully; false otherwise.
        SAML2Exception - if user want to fail the process.
      • onFedletSLOSuccess

        public void onFedletSLOSuccess​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
                                       LogoutRequest logoutReq,
                                       LogoutResponse logoutRes,
                                       String hostedEntityID,
                                       String idpEntityID,
                                       String binding)
                                throws SAML2Exception
        Invokes after Fedlet receives SLO response from IDP and the SLO status is success.
        request - servlet request
        response - servlet response
        logoutReq - SAML2 LogoutRequest object
        logoutRes - SAML2 LogoutResponse object
        hostedEntityID - entity ID for the fedlet
        idpEntityID - entity id for the IDP to which the logout response is received from.
        binding - Single Logout binding used, one of following values: SAML2Constants.SOAP, SAML2Constants.HTTP_POST, SAML2Constants.HTTP_REDIRECT
        SAML2Exception - if user want to fail the process.
      • onFedletSLOFailure

        public void onFedletSLOFailure​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
                                       LogoutRequest logoutReq,
                                       LogoutResponse logoutRes,
                                       String hostedEntityID,
                                       String idpEntityID,
                                       String binding)
                                throws SAML2Exception
        Invokes after Fedlet receives SLO response from IDP and the SLO status is not success.
        request - servlet request
        response - servlet response
        logoutReq - SAML2 LogoutRequest object
        logoutRes - SAML2 LogoutResponse object
        hostedEntityID - entity ID for the fedlet
        idpEntityID - entity id for the IDP to which the logout response is received from.
        binding - Single Logout binding used, one of following values: SAML2Constants.SOAP, SAML2Constants.HTTP_POST, SAML2Constants.HTTP_REDIRECT
        SAML2Exception - if user want to fail the process.