Interface NewID

    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        String getValue()
        Returns the value of the NewID URI.
        value of the NewID URI.
      • encrypt

        NewEncryptedID encrypt​(com.sun.identity.saml2.key.EncryptionConfig encryptionConfig,
                               String recipientEntityID)
                        throws SAML2Exception
        Returns an NewEncryptedID object.
        encryptionConfig - The encryption config.
        recipientEntityID - Unique identifier of the recipient, it is used as the index to the cached secret key so that the key can be reused for the same recipient; It can be null in which case the secret key will be generated every time and will not be cached and reused. Note that the generation of a secret key is a relatively expensive operation.
        NewEncryptedID object
        SAML2Exception - if error occurs during the encryption process.