Interface IDPAccountMapper

  • @SupportedAll
    public interface IDPAccountMapper
    The interface IDPAccountMapper is used to map the local identities to the SAML protocol objects and also the vice versa for some of the protocols for e.g. ManageNameIDRequest. This mapper interface is used to map the identities only at the SAMLAssertionProducer, in otherwords, SAML Provider as an IdentityProvider. The implementation of this interface will be used by the SAML framework to retrieve the user's account federation information for the constructing SAML protocol objects such as Assertion and also to find out the corresponding user account for the given SAML requests. The implementation of this interface may need to consider the deployment of the WS-Federation implementation for example the AccessManger platform or the FederationManager platform.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getNameID

        NameIdentifier getNameID​(Object session,
                                 String realm,
                                 String hostEntityID,
                                 String remoteEntityID)
                          throws WSFederationException
        Returns the user's NameIDinformation that contains account federation with the corresponding remote and local entities.
        session - Single Sign On session of the user.
        hostEntityID - EntityID of the hosted provider.
        remoteEntityID - EntityID of the remote provider.
        the NameID corresponding to the authenticated user.
        WSFederationException - if any failure.