Interface Action

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Action
    extends XmlSerializable
    The Action element specifies information about the action requested in the Request context by listing a sequence of Attribute elements associated with the action.

     <xs:element name="Action" type="xacml-context:ActionType"/>
     <xs:complexType name="ActionType">
           <xs:element ref="xacml-context:Attribute" minOccurs="0"
    • Method Detail

      • getAttributes

        List getAttributes()
        Returns zero to many Attribute elements of this object If no attributes and present, empty List will be returned.
        the Attribute elements of this object
      • setAttributes

        void setAttributes​(List attributes)
                    throws XACMLException
        Sets the Attribute elements of this object
        attributes - Attribute elements of this object attributes could be an empty List, if no attributes are present.
        XACMLException - if the object is immutable An object is considered immutable if makeImmutable() has been invoked on it. It can be determined by calling isMutable on the object.
      • toXMLString

        default String toXMLString​(boolean includeNSPrefix,
                                   boolean declareNS)
                            throws XACMLException
        Returns a String representation of this object
        Specified by:
        toXMLString in interface XmlSerializable
        includeNSPrefix - Determines whether or not the namespace qualifier is prepended to the Element when converted
        declareNS - Determines whether or not the namespace is declared within the Element.
        a string representation of this object
        XACMLException - if conversion fails for any reason
      • makeImmutable

        void makeImmutable()
        Makes the object immutable
      • isMutable

        boolean isMutable()
        Checks if the object is mutable
        true if the object is mutable, false otherwise