Interface IotAuthenticationNode.Config

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface IotAuthenticationNode.Config
    Configuration for the node.
    • Method Detail

      • jwtAuthenticationMethod

        default IotAuthenticationNode.JwtAuthenticationMethod jwtAuthenticationMethod()
        The JWT authentication method that is used to verify the authentication JWT.
        The JWT authentication method chosen.
      • issueRestrictedToken

        default boolean issueRestrictedToken()
        The session token issued on successful authentication will be modified by adding a proof of possession restriction to it. Any requests accompanied by the token must be signed with the key that was used to sign the authentication JWT.
        true if a restriction should be applied to the session.
      • additionalAudienceValues

        default List<String> additionalAudienceValues()
        The additional audience values that will be permitted when verifying JWTs. These audience values will be in addition to the AM base, issuer and token endpoint URIs for the Client Assertion authentication method or the realm path for Proof of Possession.
        the additional audience values to consider when the authentication JWT is verified.