Annotation Type Schema

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface Schema
    Specify a schema for the element that is being described.

    This annotation can also be used to specify an id for a schema defined by a type.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      Class<?> fromType
      The type to produce the schema from.
      String id
      The schema identifier.
      String schemaResource
      A classpath resource that contains a JSON Schema structure to be used.
    • Element Detail

      • id

        String id
        The schema identifier. If provided, this schema will be added to definitions and referenced from anywhere it is used. If null/empty, the schema will be used inline.
      • fromType

        Class<?> fromType
        The type to produce the schema from.
      • schemaResource

        String schemaResource
        A classpath resource that contains a JSON Schema structure to be used. The path is relative to the type that the annotated resource method is part of, and will be resolved using the Class.getResourceAsStream(String) method on that class instance.