Class ApiVersionRouterContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ApiVersionRouterContext
    extends AbstractContext
    A Context which is created when a request is and has been routed based on resource API version. The context includes:
    • the default version behaviour, if the request does not contain a resource API version
    • whether a warning is issued to the client, if the request does not contain a resource API version
    • the API version of the framework that was used to handle the request
    • the API version of the resource that was routed to
    • Constructor Detail

      • ApiVersionRouterContext

        public ApiVersionRouterContext​(Context parent,
                                       DefaultVersionBehaviour defaultVersionBehaviour,
                                       boolean warningEnabled)
        Creates a new resource API version routing context having the provided parent, default versioning behaviour and whether warnings will be issued.
        parent - The parent context.
        defaultVersionBehaviour - The default version behaviour.
        warningEnabled - Whether warnings will be issued to the client.
      • ApiVersionRouterContext

        public ApiVersionRouterContext​(JsonValue savedContext,
                                       ClassLoader classLoader)
        Restore from JSON representation.
        savedContext - The JSON representation from which this context's attributes should be parsed.
        classLoader - The ClassLoader which can properly resolve the persisted class-name.
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultVersionBehaviour

        public DefaultVersionBehaviour getDefaultVersionBehaviour()
        Gets the default version behaviour if the request does not contain a resource API version.
        The default version behaviour.
      • isWarningEnabled

        public boolean isWarningEnabled()
        Gets whether a warning should be issued to the calling client if the request does not contain a resource API version.
        true if warnings should be issued to the client.
      • setProtocolVersion

        public void setProtocolVersion​(Version protocolVersion)
        Sets the protocol API version of the framework used to handle the request.
        protocolVersion - The framework protocol API version.
      • getProtocolVersion

        public Version getProtocolVersion()
        Gets the protocol API version of the framework used to handle the request.
        The framework protocol API version.
      • getResourceVersion

        public Version getResourceVersion()
        Gets the API version of the resource that the request was routed to.
        The resource API version.