Class JwsHeader

  • public class JwsHeader
    extends JwtSecureHeader
    An implementation for the JWS Header parameters.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JwsHeader

        public JwsHeader()
        Constructs a new, empty JwsHeader.
      • JwsHeader

        public JwsHeader​(Map<String,​Object> headerParameters)
        Constructs a new JwsHeader, with its parameters set to the contents of the given Map.
        headerParameters - A Map containing the parameters to be set in the header.
    • Method Detail

      • getAlgorithm

        public JwsAlgorithm getAlgorithm()
        Gets the Algorithm set in the JWT header.

        If there is no algorithm set in the JWT header, then the JwsAlgorithm NONE will be returned.

        Specified by:
        getAlgorithm in class JwtHeader
        The Algorithm.