static JsonCaveatVerifier |
JsonCaveatVerifier.forDefaultCaveats(Instant timeOfUse) |
Constructs a caveat verifier that will verify a set of standard caveats:
"exp": time - checks that the current time is less than the given time.
static JsonCaveatVerifier |
JsonCaveatVerifier.forDefaultCaveats(Instant timeOfUse,
Duration allowedClockSkew) |
Constructs a caveat verifier that will verify a set of standard caveats:
"exp": time - checks that the current time is less than the given time.
JsonCaveatVerifier |
JsonCaveatVerifier.satisfyAudience(String... audience) |
Satisfies any audience ("aud" ) caveat in the macaroon that contains at least one of the given audience
JsonCaveatVerifier |
JsonCaveatVerifier.satisfyAudience(Collection<String> audience) |
Satisfies any audience ("aud" ) caveat in the macaroon that contains at least one of the given audience
JsonCaveatVerifier |
JsonCaveatVerifier.satisfyClientCertificate(X509Certificate clientCertificate) |
Satisfies any caveat that requires the macaroon is only used on a channel that has been authenticated with a
given X.509 client certificate.
JsonCaveatVerifier |
JsonCaveatVerifier.satisfyExpiryTime(Instant timeOfUse,
Duration allowedClockSkew) |
Constructs a caveat verifier that will verify any expiry time caveats of the form:
"exp": time - checks that the current time is less than the given time.
JsonCaveatVerifier |
JsonCaveatVerifier.satisfyJsonCaveat(String field,
Predicate<JsonValue> verifier) |
Adds a verifier for a caveat specified as a JSON field.
JsonCaveatVerifier |
JsonCaveatVerifier.satisfyNotBeforeTime(Instant timeOfUse,
Duration allowedClockSkew) |
Constructs a caveat verifier that will verify any not-before time caveats of the form:
"nbf": time - checks that the current time is more than the given time.
JsonCaveatVerifier |
JsonCaveatVerifier.satisfyTimeOfUse(Instant timeOfUse) |
Constructs a caveat verifier that will verify a set of time of use caveats:
"exp": time - checks that the current time is less than the given time.
JsonCaveatVerifier |
JsonCaveatVerifier.satisfyTimeOfUse(Instant timeOfUse,
Duration allowedClockSkew) |
Constructs a caveat verifier that will verify a set of time of use caveats:
"exp": time - checks that the current time is less than the given time.
JsonCaveatVerifier |
MacaroonVerifier.withJsonCaveatVerifier() |
Enables support for verifying JSON-formatted caveats and returns a JsonCaveatVerifier that can be used
to satisfy such caveats.