MacaroonVerifier |
MacaroonVerifier.maxCaveats(int maxCaveats) |
Sets the maximum number of caveats that can be verified before the verifier rejects a macaroon as invalid.
MacaroonVerifier |
MacaroonVerifier.satisfy(CaveatVerifier verifier) |
Satisfies a general 1st-party caveat with the given verifier.
MacaroonVerifier |
MacaroonVerifier.satisfyExact(String exactString) |
Satisfies any 1st-party caveat whose identifier exactly matches the given string.
MacaroonVerifier |
MacaroonVerifier.satisfyExpiryTime(Instant timeOfUse) |
Satisfies expiry time caveats of the form time < 2020-01-01T09:32:27Z .
MacaroonVerifier |
MacaroonVerifier.satisfyExpiryTime(Instant timeOfUse,
Duration allowedClockSkew) |
Satisfies expiry time caveats of the form time < 2020-01-01T09:32:27Z .
MacaroonVerifier |
MacaroonVerifier.satisfyPattern(String regex) |
Satisfies any 1st-party caveat that matches the given regular expression.
MacaroonVerifier |
MacaroonVerifier.satisfyPattern(Pattern pattern) |
Satisfies any 1st-party caveat that matches the given regular expression.
MacaroonVerifier |
MacaroonVerifier.satisfyThirdParty(Iterable<Macaroon> dischargeMacaroons) |
Satisfies one or more 3rd-party caveats using the given discharge macaroons.
MacaroonVerifier |
MacaroonVerifier.satisfyThirdParty(Macaroon dischargeMacaroon) |
Satisfies a 3rd-party caveat using the given discharge macaroon.