Class OpenIDConnectUserInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class OpenIDConnectUserInfo
    extends Object
    implements UserInfo
    OpenID Connect user information related to a users current social session.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenIDConnectUserInfo

        public OpenIDConnectUserInfo​(JsonValue rawProfile,
                                     JwtClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet)
        Creates an OpenIDConnectUserInfo instance.
        rawProfile - raw profile of a user.
        jwtClaimsSet - claim set from the jwt id token.
      • OpenIDConnectUserInfo

        public OpenIDConnectUserInfo​(JsonValue rawProfile,
                                     String subject)
        Creates an OpenIDConnectUserInfo instance.
        rawProfile - raw profile of a user.
        subject - identifies a user on a particular auth server.
    • Method Detail

      • getSubject

        public String getSubject()
        The subject which identifies a user on a particular auth server.
        Specified by:
        getSubject in interface UserInfo
      • getRawProfile

        public JsonValue getRawProfile()
        Gets the user raw profile data without any modifications that was returned by the auth server.
        Specified by:
        getRawProfile in interface UserInfo
        users information as a JsonValue.
      • getJwtClaimsSet

        public JwtClaimsSet getJwtClaimsSet()
        Gets the claim set from the jwt id token that was returned by auth server.
        claim set from the jwt id token.