Class WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory

  • public class WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory
    extends Object
    This class creates JWKOpenIdResolverImpl's from a supplied well-known open id configuration url.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory

        public WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory​(int readTimeout,
                                                   int connTimeout)
        Use org.forgerock.oauth.resolvers.WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory# WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory(org.forgerock.http.Client) instead
        Generates a factory that will use the given timeouts when attempting to read the data form a remote location.
        readTimeout - set the read timeout of HTTP operations in this factory
        connTimeout - set the connection timeout of HTTP operations in this factory
      • WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory

        public WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory​(Client client)
        Use org.forgerock.oauth.resolvers.WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory# WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory(org.forgerock.http.Client, java.time.Clock) instead
        Generates a factory that will use the given client when attempting to read the data form a remote location. Uses systemUTC by default for measuring timeouts.
        client - the client to use
      • WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory

        public WellKnownOpenIdConfigurationFactory​(Client client,
                                                   Clock clock)
        Generates a factory that will use the given client when attempting to read the data form a remote location.
        client - the client to use
        clock - to use for measuring timeouts.
    • Method Detail

      • buildAsync

        public Promise<JWKOpenIdResolverImpl,​FailedToLoadJWKException> buildAsync​(String configuredIssuer,
                                                                                        URL configUrl)
        Returns a JWKOpenIdResolverImpl representing the contents of the supplied URL.
        configuredIssuer - The configured issuer's reference name
        configUrl - URL from which to read the JWKSet
        a promise of a usable JWKOpenIdResolverIMpl, or a FailedToLoadJWKException if there are issues reading or parsing the configUrl
      • build

        public JWKOpenIdResolverImpl build​(String configuredIssuer,
                                           URL configUrl)
                                    throws FailedToLoadJWKException
        Returns a JWKOpenIdResolverImpl representing the contents of the supplied URL.
        configuredIssuer - The configured issuer's reference name
        configUrl - URL from which to read the JWKSet
        a usable JWKOpenIdResolverIMpl
        FailedToLoadJWKException - if there are issues reading or parsing the configUrl
      • getJwksStoreService

        public JwksStoreService getJwksStoreService()
        Get the JWKS store service.
        JWKS store service.