Interface LdapSocket

    • Method Detail

      • read

        default io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Flowable<LdapMessage> read()
        Returns a "cold" Flowable representing the stream of LDAP messages read from the network.

        Incoming messages will be buffered until they are read. Note that invoking this method multiple times returns the same Flowable instance. The returned Flowable will not allow multiple concurrent subscriptions as this will result in non-deterministic behavior. Attempts to have multiple concurrent subscriptions will result in an IllegalStateException.

        Subscribers will be notified when the socket is closed through Subscriber.onError(Throwable) with the corresponding IOException providing the reason for the disconnection. In particular, if the socket is closed locally via RxSocket.close() then it will be notified with RxSocket.LOCAL_CLOSE, if it is closed locally via RxSocket.closeWithReason(java.lang.Throwable) then it will be notified using the provided exception and finally, if it is closed remotely by the peer, then it will be notified using RxSocket.REMOTE_CLOSE.

        A "cold" Flowable representing the stream of LDAP messages read from the network.
      • getSslSession

        SSLSession getSslSession()
        Returns the SSL session currently in use by the underlying connection, or null if SSL/TLS is not enabled.
        The SSL session currently in use by the underlying connection, or null if SSL/TLS is not enabled.
      • getSaslNegotiatedProperty

        Object getSaslNegotiatedProperty​(String property)
        Returns the specified SASL negotiated property if this socket is using SASL QOP to protect the underlying communication.
        property - The SASL negotiated property name.
        The value of the SASL negotiated property, or null if SASL QOP is not active or if the property was not negotiated or is not applicable to this mechanism.
      • getProxyProtocolHeader

        ProxyProtocolHeader getProxyProtocolHeader()
        Returns the proxy protocol header sent by the client, or null if proxy protocol is not enabled.
        The proxy protocol header sent by the client, or null if proxy protocol is not enabled.