Class UserNamePasswordValidationException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.sun.identity.shared.locale.L10NMessage, Serializable

    public class UserNamePasswordValidationException
    extends AuthLoginException
    This class is for handling Exception that is thrown when the user name password validation plugin is failed or any invalid characters detected in user name.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserNamePasswordValidationException

        public UserNamePasswordValidationException​(String rbName,
                                                   String errorCode,
                                                   Object[] args)
        Creates UserNamePasswordValidationException with the message from the given resource bundle, for a given error message key (errorCode) and using arguments to the message.
        rbName - Resource bundle name for the error message.
        errorCode - Key to the message in resource bundle.
        args - Arguments to the message.
      • UserNamePasswordValidationException

        public UserNamePasswordValidationException​(String message)
        Creates UserNamePasswordValidationException with given message.
        message - English message for the exception.
      • UserNamePasswordValidationException

        public UserNamePasswordValidationException​(Throwable t)
        Creates UserNamePasswordValidationException with given Throwable.
        t - the root cause of the exception