Class Logger

  • @SupportedAll
    public class Logger
    extends Logger
    OpenAM extension to the jdk1.4 Logger This extension gives some functionality required by OpenAM secure logger. For JDK1.4 Logger please refer to
    • Field Detail

      • rwLock

        public static com.sun.identity.common.ReaderWriterLock rwLock
        Lock to prevent parallel writing and reading at the same time.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Logger

        protected Logger​(String name,
                         String resourceBundleName,
                         com.sun.identity.monitoring.MonitoringServices monitoringServices,
                         com.sun.identity.monitoring.MonitoringStatusService monitoringStatusService)
        Protected method to construct a logger for a named subsystem.

        The logger will be initially configured with a null Level and with useParentHandlers true.

        name - A name for the logger. This should be a dot-separated name and should normally be based on the package name or class name of the subsystem, such as or javax.swing. It may be null for anonymous Loggers.
        resourceBundleName - Name of the ResourceBundle to be used for localizing messages for this logger. May be null if none of the messages require localization.
        monitoringServices - The monitoring services.
        monitoringStatusService - The monitoring status service.
        MissingResourceException - if the ResourceBundleName is non-null and no corresponding resource can be found.
    • Method Detail

      • log

        public void log​(LogRecord record)
        Directs every log call to log(LogRecord, Object) And thus the default authorization check does not allow logging when an application uses this interface.
        log in class Logger
        record - The LogRecord to be logged.
      • log

        public void log​(com.sun.identity.log.ILogRecord record)
        Log entitlement log record.
        record - Log record.
      • log

        public void log​(LogRecord record,
                        Object cred)
        Calls super.log after checking authorization. Data is not logged at all if this check fails.
        record - The LogRecord to be logged.
        cred - To prove authorization for log WRITE. The default authorization hook checks validity of the single sign on token which should be passed as the cred.
      • flush

        public void flush()
        Writes all the buffered log records.
      • getLogger

        public static Logger getLogger​(String name)
        Find or create a logger for a named subsystem. If a logger has already been created with the given name it is returned. Otherwise a new logger is created.

        If a new logger is created its log level will be configured based on the LogManager and it will be configured NOT to send logging output to its parent loggers Handlers. It will be registered in the LogManager global namespace.

        name - A name for the logger. This should be a dot-separated name and should be the file name you want to have for your logs, such as amSSO.access, or audit.
        a suitable Logger.
      • getLogger

        public static Logger getLogger​(String name,
                                       String rbName)
        Find or create a logger for a named subsystem. If a logger has already been created with the given name it is returned. Otherwise a new logger is created.

        If a new logger is created, its log level will be configured based on the LogManager and it will configured to also send logging output to its parent logger's Handlers. It will be registered in the LogManager global namespace.

        If the named Logger already exists and does not yet have a localization resource bundle then the given resource bundle name is used. If the named Logger already exists and has a different resource bundle name then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        name - A name for the logger. This should be a dot-separated name and should be the file name you want to have for your logs, such as amSSO.access or audit.
        rbName - A resource bundle to be used for localizing the log messages.
        logger for a named subsystem.
      • getCurrentFile

        public String getCurrentFile()
        Returns the current file to which the logger's handler is writing. This is useful only in case of file..
        the current file to which the logger's handler is writing.
      • setCurrentFile

        public void setCurrentFile​(String fileName)
        Set the current file to which the logger's handler is writing.
        fileName - name of file.