Class AuthorizationDecisionStatement

  • @SupportedAll
    public class AuthorizationDecisionStatement
    extends AuthorizationDecisionStatementBase
    The AuthorizationDecisionStatement element supplies a statement by the issuer that the request for access by the specified subject to the specified resource has resulted in the specified decision on the basis of some optionally specified evidence.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthorizationDecisionStatement

        protected AuthorizationDecisionStatement()
        Default constructor
      • AuthorizationDecisionStatement

        public AuthorizationDecisionStatement​(Element element)
                                       throws SAMLException
        Constructs an AuthorizationStatement element from an existing XML block.
        element - representing a DOM tree element
        SAMLException - if there is an error in the sender or in the element definition.
      • AuthorizationDecisionStatement

        public AuthorizationDecisionStatement​(Subject subject,
                                              String resource,
                                              int decision,
                                              List action,
                                              EvidenceBase evidence)
                                       throws SAMLException
        Constructs an instance of AuthorizationDecisionStatement.
        subject - (required) A Subject object
        resource - (required) A String identifying the resource to which access authorization is sought.
        decision - (required) The decision rendered by the issuer with respect to the specified resource. The value is of the DecisionType simple type.
        action - (required) A List of Action objects specifying the set of actions authorized to be performed on the specified resource.
        evidence - (optional) An Evidence object representing a set of assertions that the issuer replied on in making decisions.
        SAMLException - if there is an error in the sender.
      • AuthorizationDecisionStatement

        public AuthorizationDecisionStatement​(Subject subject,
                                              String resource,
                                              int decision,
                                              List action)
                                       throws SAMLException
        Constructs a AuthorizationDecisionStatement instance.
        subject - (required) A Subject object
        resource - (required) A String identifying the resource to which access authorization is sought.
        decision - (required) The decision rendered by the issuer with respect to the specified resource. The value is of the DecisionType simple type.
        action - (required) A List of Action objects specifying the set of actions authorized to be performed on the specified resource.
        SAMLException - if there is an error in the sender.