Class SubjectLocality

  • @SupportedAll
    public class SubjectLocality
    extends Object
    The SubjectLocality element specifies the DNS domain name and IP address for the system entity that performed the authentication. It exists as part of AuthenticationStatement element.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SubjectLocality

        public SubjectLocality()
        Default Constructor
      • SubjectLocality

        public SubjectLocality​(Element localityElement)
                        throws SAMLException
        Constructs an instance of SubjectLocality from an existing XML block.
        localityElement - A org.w3c.dom.Element representing DOM tree for SubjectLocality object.
        SAMLException - if it could not process the Element properly, implying that there is an error in the sender or in the element definition.
      • SubjectLocality

        public SubjectLocality​(String ipAddress,
                               String dnsAddress)
        Constructs an instance of SubjectLocality.
        ipAddress - String representing the IP Address of the entity that was authenticated.
        dnsAddress - String representing the DNS Address of the entity that was authenticated. As per SAML specification they are both optional, so values can be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getIPAddress

        public String getIPAddress()
        Returns the IP address from SubjectLocality locality
        A String representation of IP address.
      • setDNSAddress

        public boolean setDNSAddress​(String dnsAddress)
        Sets the DNS address for SubjectLocality locality.
        dnsAddress - A String representation of DNS address.
        true indicating the success of the operation.
      • setIPAddress

        public boolean setIPAddress​(String ipAddress)
        Sets the IP address for SubjectLocality locality.
        ipAddress - A String representation of IP address.
        true indicating the success of the operation.
      • getDNSAddress

        public String getDNSAddress()
        Returns the DNS address from SubjectLocality locality
        A String representation of DNS address.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a String representation of the element.
        toString in class Object
        A string containing the valid XML for this element By default name space name is prepended to the element name example <saml:SubjectLocality>.
      • toString

        public String toString​(boolean includeNS,
                               boolean declareNS)
        Returns a String representation of the <SubjectLocality> element.
        includeNS - Determines whether or not the namespace qualifier is prepended to the Element when converted
        declareNS - Determines whether or not the namespace is declared within the Element.
        A string containing the valid XML for this element