Class SAML2Exception

    • Constructor Detail

      • SAML2Exception

        public SAML2Exception​(String rbName,
                              String errorCode,
                              Object... args)
        Constructs a new SAML2Exception without a nested Throwable.
        rbName - Resource Bundle Name to be used for getting localized error message.
        errorCode - Key to resource bundle. You can use
         ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBunde.getBundle (rbName,locale);
         String localizedStr = rb.getString(errorCode);
        args - arguments to message. If it is not present pass them as null
      • SAML2Exception

        public SAML2Exception​(String message)
        Constructs a new SAML2Exception with the given message.
        message - message for this exception. This message can be later retrieved by getMessage() method.
      • SAML2Exception

        public SAML2Exception​(Throwable t)
        Constructs an SAML2Exception with given Throwable.
        t - Exception nested in the new exception.
    • Method Detail

      • setRedirectionDone

        public void setRedirectionDone​(boolean redirectionDone)
        Sets redirection done flag.
        redirectionDone - true means that the response has been redirected already to another URL, false otherwise.
      • isRedirectionDone

        public boolean isRedirectionDone()
        Returns true if the response has been redirected already to another URL, returns false otherwise.
        true if the response has been redirected already to another URL, returns false otherwise.