Interface SPAccountMapper

  • @SupportedAll
    public interface SPAccountMapper
    The class PartnerAccountMapper is an interface that is implemented to map partner account to user account in OpenAM.

    Different partner would need to have a different implementation of the interface. The mappings between the partner source ID and the implementation class are configured at the Partner URLs field in SAML service.

    • Method Detail

      • getIdentity

        String getIdentity​(com.sun.identity.wsfederation.profile.RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstr,
                           String hostEntityID,
                           String targetURL)
                    throws WSFederationException
        Returns user's distinguished name or the universal ID for the RSTR. This method will be invoked by the WS-Federation framework while processing the RequestSecurityTokenResponse and retrieves the identity information.
        rstr - the incoming RequestSecurityTokenResponse
        hostEntityID - EntityID of the hosted provider.
        targetURL - final target URL.
        user's disntinguished name or the universal ID.
        WSFederationException - if any failure.