Interface LivenessCheck

  • public interface LivenessCheck
    This interface defines the contract for checking whether an AM service or component is alive and able to function independent of the state of any 3rd party dependencies or whether the service or component has fallen over to the point of being beyond recovery.

    Implementations should take into account the considerations and best practices detailed around the kubernetes documentation for the liveness probe. This includes: checks should not lock or create any contention; checks should aim to complete in a timely fashion; and checks should avoid taking into account dependencies.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean isAlive()
      Checks whether an AM service or component is alive and able to function independent of the state of any 3rd party dependencies.
    • Method Detail

      • isAlive

        boolean isAlive()
        Checks whether an AM service or component is alive and able to function independent of the state of any 3rd party dependencies.
        if an AM service or component is alive