Interface IdRepoService

  • public interface IdRepoService
    Service for managing an identity repository.
    • Method Detail

      • getRepoSearchResultsAttributes

        Map<String,​Map<String,​Set<String>>> getRepoSearchResultsAttributes​(Realm realm,
                                                                                       SSOToken ssoToken,
                                                                                       IdType idType)
                                                                                throws IdRepoException
        Gets a repository search results attributes.
        realm - The realm context
        ssoToken - Single sign on token of identity performing the task
        idType - Identity type of this object
        the repository search results attributes
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions
      • deleteIdentity

        void deleteIdentity​(Realm realm,
                            SSOToken ssoToken,
                            IdType idType,
                            String resourceId)
                     throws IdRepoException
        Deletes an identity from the repository.
        realm - The realm context
        ssoToken - Single sign on token of identity performing the task
        idType - Identity type of this object
        resourceId - Name of the object of interest
        IdRepoException - If there are repository related error conditions