Interface Saml2SsoInitiator

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Saml2SsoInitiator
    This interface exposes APIs to allow callers to initiate SAML2 Single Sign-on flows when AM acts as a service provider. As part of this process a callback is returned, that the authentication framework then can render to essentially trigger the SAML2 SSO flow with the remote identity provider.
    • Method Detail

      • initiateSso

        Callback initiateSso​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                             javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
                             Realm realm,
                             String spEntityId,
                             String idpEntityId,
                             Options saml2Options)
                      throws Saml2SsoException
        Initiates SAML2 SSO based on the provided parameters.
        request - The HTTP request.
        response - The HTTP response.
        realm - The realm where the hosted service provider exists.
        spEntityId - The service provider's entity ID.
        idpEntityId - The identity provider's entity ID.
        saml2Options - Additional options that control how the SAML2 flow is initiated. See Saml2Options.
        The callback that can be used by the authentication framework to trigger the SAML SSO flow.
        Saml2SsoException - If there was an issue while initiating the SAML2 authentication process.