Annotation Type Operation

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface Operation
    The common details of an operation.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String description
      A description of the operation.
      String[] errorRefs
      JSON references to previously declared errors (e.g., frapi:common#/errors/badRequest).
      ApiError[] errors
      Operation specific error definitions.
      String[] locales
      The list of supported locales for the operation.
      Parameter[] parameters
      Parameters on operation paths and/or endpoints.
      Stability stability
      The stability state for the operation.
    • Element Detail

      • locales

        String[] locales
        The list of supported locales for the operation.
      • errors

        ApiError[] errors
        Operation specific error definitions. Use this when standard error descriptions are not specific enough.
      • parameters

        Parameter[] parameters
        Parameters on operation paths and/or endpoints.
      • stability

        Stability stability
        The stability state for the operation. Defaults to STABLE.
      • description

        String description
        A description of the operation.