Package org.forgerock.api.jackson
Extensions to Jackson's JSON Schema to support the API Descriptor extensions to standard JSON Schema.
Interface Summary Interface Description MultipleOfSchema Interface defining support formultipleOf
JSON Schema field.WithExampleSchema<T> Extension for CREST and OpenAPI schemas to express an example value. -
Class Summary Class Description CrestAnySchema An extension to the JacksonAnySchema
that includes the custom CREST JSON Schema attributes.CrestArraySchema An extension to the JacksonArraySchema
that includes the custom CREST JSON Schema attributes.CrestBooleanSchema An extension to the JacksonBooleanSchema
that includes the custom CREST JSON Schema attributes.CrestJsonSchemaFactory AJsonSchemaFactory
that returns the extension schema objects rather than the default Jackson implementations.CrestObjectSchema An extension to the JacksonObjectSchema
that includes the custom CREST JSON Schema attributes.CrestPropertyDetailsSchemaFactoryWrapper ASchemaFactoryWrapper
that adds the extra CREST schema attributes once the Jackson schema generation has been completed.JacksonUtils Some utilities for dealing with Jackson schemas.PathsModule Jackson Module that adds a serializer modifier forPaths