Interface AuditApi

  • public interface AuditApi
    Audit API interface for auditing the result of an authentication request.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void audit​(JsonValue auditMessage)
      Audits the authentication request, using the audit information from the given audit message.
    • Method Detail

      • audit

        void audit​(JsonValue auditMessage)

        Audits the authentication request, using the audit information from the given audit message.

        For successful authentications:

        { "result": "SUCCESSFUL", "requestId": "...", "principal": [ "demo" ], "context": { ... }, "sessionId": "...", "entries": [ { "moduleId": "Session-JwtSessionModule", "result": "SUCCESSFUL", "info": { "principal": "alice", "...": "...", ... } }, ... ], "transactionId" : "..." }

        For failed authentications:

        { "result": "FAILED", "requestId": "...", "principal": [ "demo", ... //Multiple auth modules could identify different principals ], "context": { ... }, "entries": [ { "moduleId": "Session-JwtSessionModule", "result": "FAILED", "reason": "...", "info": { "principal": "bob", "...": "...", ... } }, ... ], "transactionId" : "..." }
        auditMessage - The audit message.