Interface HttpClientResponse

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface HttpClientResponse
    Models the response that a script can receive from sending a HttpClientRequest over a HttpClient. Is designed to be a basic HTTP/1.1 response. See NB: 'HttpClientResponse' used rather than 'Response' to avoid clashes with org.restlet.Response.
    • Method Detail

      • getStatusCode

        Integer getStatusCode()
        Retrieve the status code of the accessed resource.
        A three digit integer that corresponds to an HTTP status code. Can be null if no status code was set.
      • getReasonPhrase

        String getReasonPhrase()
        Retrieve the reason phrase of the accessed resource.
        The HTTP reason phrase. Can be null if no status code was set.
      • hasHeaders

        boolean hasHeaders()
        Indicates if the accessed resource has headers.
        True if the accessed resource has headers.
      • getHeaders

        Map<String,​String> getHeaders()
        Retrieve the headers sent with the accessed resource.
        The headers sent with the accessed resource. Can be implemented as returning null or an empty map in the absence of any headers.
      • getEntity

        String getEntity()
        Retrieve the entity sent with the accessed resource.
        The entity sent with the accessed resource. Can be null if no entity was set.
      • hasCookies

        boolean hasCookies()
        Indicates if the accessed resource had cookies.
        True if the accessed resource had cookies.
      • getCookies

        Map<String,​String> getCookies()
        Retrieve any cookies sent with the accessed resource.
        Any cookies sent with the accessed resource. Can be implemented as returning null or an empty map in the absence of any cookies.