Interface SigningHandler

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      byte[] sign​(JwsAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] data)
      Signs the given raw data bytes using the Java Cryptographic algorithm defined by the JwsAlgorithm.
      default byte[] sign​(JwsAlgorithm algorithm, String data)
      Signs the given String data using the Java Cryptographic algorithm defined by the JwsAlgorithm.
      boolean verify​(JwsAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] data, byte[] signature)
      Verifies that the given signature is valid for the given data.
    • Method Detail

      • sign

        default byte[] sign​(JwsAlgorithm algorithm,
                            String data)
        Signs the given String data using the Java Cryptographic algorithm defined by the JwsAlgorithm. The signature is created using the given private key.
        algorithm - The JwsAlgorithm defining the Java Cryptographic algorithm.
        data - The data to be signed.
        A byte array of the signature.
      • sign

        byte[] sign​(JwsAlgorithm algorithm,
                    byte[] data)
        Signs the given raw data bytes using the Java Cryptographic algorithm defined by the JwsAlgorithm.
        algorithm - the JWS signature algorithm to use.
        data - the raw data to sign.
        the signature.
      • verify

        boolean verify​(JwsAlgorithm algorithm,
                       byte[] data,
                       byte[] signature)
        Verifies that the given signature is valid for the given data.

        Uses the Java Cryptographic algorithm defined by the JwsAlgorithm and private key to create a new signature of the data to compare against the given signature to see if they are identical.

        algorithm - The JwsAlgorithm defining the JavaCryptographic algorithm.
        data - The data that was signed.
        signature - The signature of the data.
        true if the signature is a valid signature of the data.