Class SharedSecretOpenIdResolverImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • SharedSecretOpenIdResolverImpl

        public SharedSecretOpenIdResolverImpl​(String issuer,
                                              String sharedSecret)
        Constructor for SharedSecretOpenIdResolverImpl. Uses IssuerComparators.DEFAULT for comparing issuer values by exact string comparison.
        issuer - The issuer (provider) of the Open Id Connect id token
        sharedSecret - The secret String, known to both provider and consumer
        IllegalArgumentException - if the sharedSecret is null
      • SharedSecretOpenIdResolverImpl

        public SharedSecretOpenIdResolverImpl​(BiPredicate<String,​String> issuerComparator,
                                              String issuer,
                                              String sharedSecret)
        Constructor for SharedSecretOpenIdResolverImpl.
        issuerComparator - The comparator for comparing the incoming issuer value against the expected value.
        issuer - The issuer (provider) of the Open Id Connect id token
        sharedSecret - The secret String, known to both provider and consumer
        IllegalArgumentException - if the sharedSecret is null