Annotation Type Supported

  • @SupportedAll
    public @interface Supported
    This annotation marks AM APIs that are considered stable and should not change in minor releases (except possibly when a security fix requires such change). Backwards incompatible changes made to APIs marked with this annotation should be highlighted in the release notes of major releases.

    The scope of the annotation is limited to the component that is annotated.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean javaApi
      Setting this parameter to false for a Supported annotation allows this method to be excluded from the published java API.
      boolean scriptingApi
      Setting this parameter to true for a Supported ElementType.METHOD allows this method to be used by scripts when it's ElementType.TYPE is provided as a binding and additional scripting features are enabled.
    • Element Detail

      • scriptingApi

        boolean scriptingApi
        Setting this parameter to true for a Supported ElementType.METHOD allows this method to be used by scripts when it's ElementType.TYPE is provided as a binding and additional scripting features are enabled.

        This parameter should be set at ElementType.METHOD level. It has no effect on other Targets.

        true this method is available to scripts when additional scripting features are enabled.
      • javaApi

        boolean javaApi
        Setting this parameter to false for a Supported annotation allows this method to be excluded from the published java API.
        true this class, type, method is included in the Java API.