Class RecoveryCodeGenerator

  • @SupportedAll
    public class RecoveryCodeGenerator
    extends Object
    Generates codes of a specified length using a given Alphabet as valid characters.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_LENGTH
        Default length of generated codes.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_RETRIES
        Default number of retries to use before resulting in error.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • RecoveryCodeGenerator

        public RecoveryCodeGenerator​(SecureRandom secureRandom,
                                     int retryMaximum)
        Generates a new CodeUtils which can be used to generate a plethora of codes suited to fit your needs.
        secureRandom - The SecureRandom instance to use when selecting characters from an alphabet set. Must not be null.
        retryMaximum - If duplicate codes are not allowed, this is the number of times we will attempt to generate another code upon discovering a collision.
      • RecoveryCodeGenerator

        public RecoveryCodeGenerator​(SecureRandom secureRandom)
        Generates a new CodeUtils which can be used to generate a plethora of codes suited to fit your needs. Uses the DEFAULT_RETRIES as its number of retries before failing.
        secureRandom - The SecureRandom instance to use when selecting characters from an alphabet set. Must not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • generateCode

        public String generateCode​(CodeGeneratorSource alphabet,
                                   int length)
        Generates a code of the supplied length, using the provided alphabet as its source of random characters.
        alphabet - The alpha to use from which to pick characters. Must not be null.
        length - The size of the produced codes. Must be greater than 0.
        a randomly generated code.
      • generateDelimitedCode

        public String generateDelimitedCode​(CodeGeneratorSource alphabet,
                                            char delimiter,
                                            int... groups)
        Generates a code of the supplied length, using the provided alphabet as its source of random characters. The generated codes will have random characters for the size of each of the supplied groups, with a delimiter between them.
        alphabet - The alpha to use from which to pick characters. Must not be null.
        groups - The groupings of characters. For example, {4, 4} will produce two sets of four characters with a delimiter between them. Must not be null. Must have at least one entry. Entries must be greater than 0.
        delimiter - The character to use between each of the groups.
        a randomly generated, delimited code.
      • generateDelimitedCodeWithSpecifics

        public String generateDelimitedCodeWithSpecifics​(CodeGeneratorSource alphabet,
                                                         char delimiter,
                                                         Map<Integer,​Character> specifics,
                                                         int... groups)
        Generates a code of the supplied length, using the provided alphabet as its source of random characters. The generated codes will have random characters for the size of each of the supplied groups, with a delimiter between them. The provided specifics map can then be used to replace individual character indexes with a specific character.
        alphabet - The alpha to use from which to pick characters. Must not be null.
        groups - The groupings of characters. For example, {4, 4} will produce two sets of four characters with a delimiter between them. Must not be null. Must have at least one entry. Entries must be greater than 0.
        delimiter - The character to use between each of the groups. Must not be null.
        specifics - A map used to specify characters to use at a given location.
        a randomly generated, delimited code with specific characters at given indexes.
      • generateCodes

        public List<String> generateCodes​(int numCodes,
                                          CodeGeneratorSource alphabet,
                                          boolean allowDuplicates)
                                   throws org.forgerock.openam.utils.CodeException
        Generate a set of codes using the provided alphabet of the default length.
        numCodes - The number of codes to generate. Must be greater than 0.
        alphabet - The alphabet to use from which to select characters. Must not be null.
        allowDuplicates - Whether to allow duplicates in the result set.
        A set of recovery codes.
        org.forgerock.openam.utils.CodeException - if duplicate codes were produced, disallowed and the number of retries was exceeded.
      • generateCodes

        public List<String> generateCodes​(int numCodes,
                                          CodeGeneratorSource alphabet,
                                          int length,
                                          boolean allowDuplicates)
                                   throws org.forgerock.openam.utils.CodeException
        Generate a set of codes using the provided alphabet of the provided length.
        numCodes - Number of recovery codes to generate. Must be greater than 0.
        alphabet - The alphabet to use from which to select characters. Must not be null.
        length - The length of produced codes. Must be greater than 0.
        allowDuplicates - Whether or not to allow duplicates in the result set.
        a String array of randomly generated recovery codes, of size numSize.
        org.forgerock.openam.utils.CodeException - if duplicate codes were produced, disallowed and the number of retries was exceeded.
      • generateDelimitedCodes

        public String[] generateDelimitedCodes​(int numCodes,
                                               CodeGeneratorSource alphabet,
                                               char delimiter,
                                               boolean allowDuplicates,
                                               int... groups)
                                        throws org.forgerock.openam.utils.CodeException
        Generates a code of the supplied length, using the provided alphabet as its source of random characters. The generated codes will have random characters for the size of each of the supplied groups, with a delimiter between them.
        numCodes - Number of recovery codes to generate. Must be greater than 0.
        alphabet - The alphabet to use from which to select numbers. Must not be null.
        groups - The groupings of lengths of characters. For example, {4, 4} will produce two set of four characters with a delimiter between them. Must not be null. Must have at least one entry. Entries must be greater than 0.
        delimiter - The character to use between each of the groups.
        allowDuplicates - Whether or not to allow duplicates in the result set.
        a String array of randomly generated recovery codes, of size numCodes.
        org.forgerock.openam.utils.CodeException - if duplicate codes were produced, disallowed and the number of retries was exceeded.
      • generateDelimitedCodesWithSpecifics

        public String[] generateDelimitedCodesWithSpecifics​(int numCodes,
                                                            CodeGeneratorSource alphabet,
                                                            char delimiter,
                                                            Map<Integer,​Character> specifics,
                                                            boolean allowDuplicates,
                                                            int... groups)
                                                     throws org.forgerock.openam.utils.CodeException
        Generates a code of the supplied length, using the provided alphabet as its source of random characters. The generated codes will have random characters for the size of each of the supplied groups, with a delimiter between them. The provided specifics map can then be used to replace individual character indexes with a specific character.
        numCodes - The number of codes to generate. Must be greater than 0.
        alphabet - The alphabet to use from which to pick characters. Must not be null.
        groups - The groupings of lengths of characters. For example, {4, 4} will produce two sets of four characters with a delimiter between them. Must not be null. Must have at least one entry. Entries must be greater than 0.
        delimiter - The character to use between each of the groups.
        specifics - A map used to specify characters to use at a given location.
        allowDuplicates - Whether to allow duplicate codes.
        a String array of randomly generated recovery codes, of size numCodes.
        org.forgerock.openam.utils.CodeException - if duplicate codes were produced, disallowed and the number of retries was exceeded.