Package org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema
Classes and interfaces for constructing and querying LDAP schemas.
Interface Summary Interface Description Indexer This class is registered with a Backend and it provides callbacks for indexing attribute values.IndexingOptions Contains options indicating how indexing must be performed.IndexQueryFactory<T> A factory for creating arbitrarily complex index queries.MatchingRuleImpl This interface defines the set of methods that must be implemented to define a new matching rule.SchemaBuilder.SchemaBuilderHook Allows to perform modifications on element's builders before adding the result to this schema builder.SchemaElement Interface for schema elements.SyntaxImpl This interface defines the set of methods and structures that must be implemented to define a new attribute syntax. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractOrderingMatchingRuleImpl This class implements a default ordering matching rule that matches normalized values in byte order.AttributeType This class defines a data structure for storing and interacting with an attribute type, which contains information about the format of an attribute and the syntax and matching rules that should be used when interacting with it.AttributeType.Builder A fluent API for incrementally constructing attribute type.CoreSchema The OpenDJ SDK core schema contains standard LDAP RFC schema elements.CoreSchemaSupportedLocales Provides a map of supported locale tags to OIDs.DitContentRule This class defines a DIT content rule, which defines the set of allowed, required, and prohibited attributes for entries with a given structural objectclass, and also indicates which auxiliary classes may be included in the entry.DitContentRule.Builder A fluent API for incrementally constructing DIT content rule.DitStructureRule This class defines a DIT structure rule, which is used to indicate the types of children that entries may have.DitStructureRule.Builder A fluent API for incrementally constructing DIT structure rules.MatchingRule This class defines a data structure for storing and interacting with matching rules, which are used by servers to compare attribute values against assertion values when performing Search and Compare operations.MatchingRule.Builder A fluent API for incrementally constructing matching rules.MatchingRuleUse This class defines a data structure for storing and interacting with a matching rule use definition, which may be used to restrict the set of attribute types that may be used for a given matching rule.MatchingRuleUse.Builder A fluent API for incrementally constructing matching rule uses.NameForm This class defines a data structure for storing and interacting with a name form, which defines the attribute type(s) that must and/or may be used in the RDN of an entry with a given structural objectclass.NameForm.Builder A fluent API for incrementally constructing name forms.ObjectClass This class defines a data structure for storing and interacting with an objectclass, which contains a collection of attributes that must and/or may be present in an entry with that objectclass.ObjectClass.Builder A fluent API for incrementally constructing object classes.Schema This class defines a data structure that holds information about the components of the LDAP schema.SchemaBuilder Schema builders should be used for incremental construction of new schemas.SchemaOptions Common options for LDAP schemas.SchemaValidationPolicy This class provides various schema validation policy options for controlling how entries should be validated against the directory schema.Syntax This class defines a data structure for storing and interacting with an LDAP syntaxes, which constrain the structure of attribute values stored in an LDAP directory, and determine the representation of attribute and assertion values transferred in the LDAP protocol.Syntax.Builder A fluent API for incrementally constructing syntaxes. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AttributeUsage This enumeration defines the set of possible attribute usage values that may apply to an attribute type, as defined in RFC 2252.MatchingRule.MatchingRuleType Represents the types of matching rules, according to RFC 4517 section 4.1.ObjectClassType This enumeration defines the set of possible objectclass types that may be used, as defined in RFC 2252.SchemaValidationPolicy.Action An enumeration of the possible actions which can be performed when a schema validation failure is encountered. -
Exception Summary Exception Description ConflictingSchemaElementException Thrown when addition of a schema element to a schema builder fails because the OID of the schema element conflicts with an existing schema element and the caller explicitly requested not to override existing schema elements.UnknownSchemaElementException Thrown when a schema query fails because the requested schema element could not be found or is ambiguous.