Class AtomicThrowable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class AtomicThrowable
    extends AtomicReference<Throwable>
    Atomic container for Throwables including combining and having a terminal state via ExceptionHelper.

    Watch out for the leaked AtomicReference methods!

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • AtomicThrowable

        public AtomicThrowable()
    • Method Detail

      • tryAddThrowable

        public boolean tryAddThrowable​(Throwable t)
        Atomically adds a Throwable to this container (combining with a previous Throwable is necessary).
        t - the throwable to add
        true if successful, false if the container has been terminated
      • tryAddThrowableOrReport

        public boolean tryAddThrowableOrReport​(Throwable t)
        Atomically adds a Throwable to this container (combining with a previous Throwable is necessary) or reports the error the global error handler and no changes are made.
        t - the throwable to add
        true if successful, false if the container has been terminated
      • terminate

        public Throwable terminate()
        Atomically terminate the container and return the contents of the last non-terminal Throwable of it.
        the last Throwable
      • tryTerminateConsumer

        public void tryTerminateConsumer​(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<?> consumer)
        Tries to terminate this atomic throwable (by swapping in the TERMINATED indicator) and notifies the consumer if there was no error (onComplete) or there was a non-null, non-indicator exception contained before (onError). If there was a terminated indicator, the consumer is not signaled.
        consumer - the consumer to notify