Class Evaluator

  • @Supported
    public class Evaluator
    extends Object
    The class evaluates entitlement request and provides decisions. The evaluation of a policy depends on the following contextual information:
    • realm: The realm the policy needs to be evaluated in.
    • subject: The subject that attempts to access a particular resource.
    • resourceNames: The resources the subject attempts to access.
    • environment: Additional information about the environment within which the policy should be evaluated. Note that certain environment/subject conditions may depend on certain fields to be present in this map. One such example would be the LDAP Filter Condition having access to the PolicyEvaluator.REALM_DN field containing the realm's DN representation.
    Additionally, the evaluation will also take into account the name of the policy set (a.k.a. application) used when creating the Evaluator instance.
    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        public List<com.sun.identity.entitlement.Entitlement> evaluate​(String realm,
                                                                       Subject subject,
                                                                       Set<String> resourceNames,
                                                                       Map<String,​Set<String>> environment)
                                                                throws EntitlementException
        Returns a list of entitlements for a given subject, resource names and environment.
        realm - Realm Name.
        subject - Subject who is under evaluation.
        resourceNames - Resource names.
        environment - Environment parameters.
        a list of entitlements for a given subject, resource name and environment.
        EntitlementException - if the result cannot be determined.
      • evaluate

        public List<com.sun.identity.entitlement.Entitlement> evaluate​(String realm,
                                                                       Subject subject,
                                                                       String resourceName,
                                                                       Map<String,​Set<String>> environment,
                                                                       boolean recursive)
                                                                throws EntitlementException
        Returns a list of entitlements for a given subject, resource name and environment.
        realm - Realm Name.
        subject - Subject who is under evaluation.
        resourceName - Resource name.
        environment - Environment parameters.
        recursive - true to perform evaluation on sub resources from the given resource name.
        a list of entitlements for a given subject, resource name and environment.
        EntitlementException - if the result cannot be determined.