Class BinarySecurityToken

  • @Supported
    public class BinarySecurityToken
    extends Object
    The class BinarySecurityToken provides interface to parse and create X.509 Security Token depicted by Web Service Security : X.509 Certificate Token Profile and Liberty ID-WSF Security Mechanisms specifications.

    The following schema fragment specifies the expected content within the BinarySecurityToken object.

     <element name="BinarySecurityToken" type="wsse:BinarySecurityTokenType/>
     <complexType name="BinarySecurityTokenType">
         <extension base="<>EncodedString">
           <attribute name="ValueType" type="{}QName" />
     <xsd:complexType name="EncodedString">
         <xsd:extension base="wsse:AttributedString">
           <xsd:attribute name="EncodingType" type="xsd:QName"/>
     <xsd:complexType name="AttributedString">
         <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
           <xsd:attribute ref="wsu:Id"/>
             <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    • Field Detail

      • X509V3

        public static final QName X509V3
        The X509V3 value type indicates that the value name given corresponds to a X509 Certificate.
      • PKCS7

        public static final QName PKCS7
        The PKCS7 value type indicates that the value name given corresponds to a PKCS7 object.
      • PKIPath

        public static final QName PKIPath
        The PKIPATH value type indicates that the value name given corresponds to a PKI Path object.
      • BASE64BINARY

        public static final QName BASE64BINARY
        The BASE64BINARY encoding type indicates that the encoding name given corresponds to base64 encoding of a binary value.

        public static final QName HEXBINARY
        The HEXBINARY encoding type indicates that the encoding name given corresponds to Hex encoding of a binary value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BinarySecurityToken

        public BinarySecurityToken​(Element token)
                            throws Exception
        token - Binary Security Token Element
        Exception - if token Element is not a valid binary security token
    • Method Detail

      • getEncodingType

        public QName getEncodingType()
        Gets encoding type for the token.
        encoding type for the token.
      • getValueType

        public QName getValueType()
        Gets value type for the token.
        value type for the token.
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Gets id attribute for the tokens.
        id attribute for the token.
      • getTokenValue

        public String getTokenValue()
        Gets value of the token.
        value of the token.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a String representation of the token.
        toString in class Object
        A string containing the valid XML for this element