Class Conditions

  • @SupportedAll
    public class Conditions
    extends Object
    This Conditions is a set of Condition. The validity of an Assertion MAY be subject to a set of Conditions. Each Condition evaluates to a value that is Valid, Invalid or Indeterminate.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Conditions

        public Conditions()
        Default Constructor
      • Conditions

        public Conditions​(Date notBefore,
                          Date notOnOrAfter)
                   throws SAMLException
        Constructs an instance of Conditions.
        notBefore - specifies the earliest time instant at which the assertion is valid.
        notOnOrAfter - specifies the time instant at which the assertion has expired.
        SAMLException - if the notBefore instant is after notOnOrAfter instant.
      • Conditions

        public Conditions​(Date notBefore,
                          Date notOnOrAfter,
                          Condition condition,
                          AudienceRestrictionCondition arc)
                   throws SAMLException
        Constructs an instance of Conditions.
        notBefore - specifies the earliest time instant at which the assertion is valid.
        notOnOrAfter - specifies the time instant at which the assertion has expired.
        condition - Condition object
        arc - the <AudienceRestrictionCondition> to be added.Can be null, if no audience restriction.
        SAMLException - if there is a problem in input data and it cannot be processed correctly.
      • Conditions

        public Conditions​(Date notBefore,
                          Date notOnOrAfter,
                          Condition condition,
                          AudienceRestrictionCondition arc,
                          DoNotCacheCondition doNotCacheCnd)
                   throws SAMLException
        Constructs an instance of Conditions.
        notBefore - specifies the earliest time instant at which the assertion is valid.
        notOnOrAfter - specifies the time instant at which the assertion has expired.
        condition - Condition object
        arc - the <AudienceRestrictionCondition> to be added. Can be null, if no audience restriction.
        doNotCacheCnd - DoNotCacheCondition object
        SAMLException - if there is a problem in input data and it cannot be processed correctly.
      • Conditions

        public Conditions​(Element conditionsElement)
                   throws SAMLException
        Constructs a Conditions element from an existing XML block.
        conditionsElement - A org.w3c.dom.Element representing DOM tree for Conditions object
        SAMLException - if it could not process the Element properly, implying that there is an error in the sender or in the element definition.
    • Method Detail

      • getNotBefore

        public Date getNotBefore()
        Returns the earliest time at which the assertion is valid held in this Conditions object.
        A Date containing the NotBefore time held within this Conditions element.
      • getNotOnorAfter

        public Date getNotOnorAfter()
        Returns the time instant held within this Conditions object at which the Assertion has expired.
        time instant (at which assertion has expired) held within this Conditions element.
      • addAudienceRestrictionCondition

        public boolean addAudienceRestrictionCondition​(AudienceRestrictionCondition arc)
        Adds an audience restriction condition within this Conditions Element.
        arc - a AudienceRestrictionCondition to be added to this Conditions.
        true if the operation succeeds.
      • checkDateValidity

        public boolean checkDateValidity​(long someTime)
        Returns true if a specific Date falls within the validity interval of this set of conditions.
        someTime - Any time in milliseconds.
        true if someDate is within the valid interval of the Conditions.
      • getAudienceRestrictionCondition

        public Set getAudienceRestrictionCondition()
        Returns a set of the AudienceRestrictionCondition elements held within this Conditions element.
        A set of the audience restriction conditions. Each element contained within is an object of AudienceRestrictionCondition type.
      • removeAudienceRestrictionCondition

        public boolean removeAudienceRestrictionCondition​(String audience)
        Removes an audience restriction condition AudienceRestrictionConditionfrom this Conditions object wherein the specified audience has been defined.
        audience - A string representing audience.
        true if the operation succeeds.
      • setDoNotCacheCondition

        public void setDoNotCacheCondition​(DoNotCacheCondition doNotCacheCnd)
        Sets DoNotCacheCondition elements held within this Conditions element.
        doNotCacheCnd - an DoNotCacheCondition object.
      • getDoNotCacheCondition

        public DoNotCacheCondition getDoNotCacheCondition()
        Returns DoNotCacheCondition elements held within this Conditions element
        an DoNotCacheCondition object if Conditions contains any DoNotCacheCondition, otherwise return null.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a String representation of the element.
        toString in class Object
        A string containing the valid XML for this element By default name space name is prepended to the element name example <saml:Conditions>.
      • toString

        public String toString​(boolean includeNS,
                               boolean declareNS)
        Returns a String representation of the <Conditions> element.
        includeNS - Determines whether or not the namespace qualifier is prepended to the Element when converted
        declareNS - Determines whether or not the namespace is declared within the Element.
        A string containing the valid XML for this element.