Interface SPAuthnContextMapper

  • @SupportedAll
    public interface SPAuthnContextMapper
    The interface determines the Authentication Context to be set in the Authentication Request and the Auth Level of an Authentication Context. The implementation of this interface will be used to create RequestedAuthnContext to set in the AuthnRequest and the Authentication Level of an Authentication Context.
    • Method Detail

      • getRequestedAuthnContext

        RequestedAuthnContext getRequestedAuthnContext​(String realm,
                                                       String hostEntityID,
                                                       Map paramsMap)
                                                throws SAML2Exception
        Returns the RequestedAuthnContext Object . This method is called during Single Sign On initiation at the Service Provider for determining the RequestedAuthnContext to be set in the AuthRequest before sending the request to the Identity Provider.
        realm - Organization or realm of the Service Provider.
        hostEntityID - Entity Identifier of the Host.
        paramsMap - Map containing key/value pairs of request parameters.
        RequestedAuthnContext Object.
        SAML2Exception - if an error occurs.
      • getAuthLevel

        int getAuthLevel​(RequestedAuthnContext reqCtx,
                         AuthnContext authContext,
                         String realm,
                         String hostEntityID,
                         String idpEntityID)
                  throws SAML2Exception
        Returns the Auth Level for the AuthContext. This method is called by the Service Provider to determine the authLevel of Identity Provider Authentication Context which will set in the SSOToken created for the user on successful authentication.
        reqCtx - the RequestedAuthContext object.
        authContext - the AuthContext object.
        realm - the organization or realm of the Service Provider.
        hostEntityID - the Hosted Provider Entity ID.
        idpEntityID - the Identity Provider Entity ID.
        authlevel of the AuthContext.
        SAML2Exception - if an error occurs.
      • isAuthnContextMatching

        boolean isAuthnContextMatching​(List requestedACClassRefs,
                                       String acClassRef,
                                       String comparison,
                                       String realm,
                                       String hostEntityID)
        Returns true if the specified AuthnContextClassRef matches a list of requested AuthnContextClassRef.
        requestedACClassRefs - a list of requested AuthnContextClassRef's
        acClassRef - AuthnContextClassRef
        comparison - the type of comparison
        realm - Realm or Organization of the Service Provider.
        hostEntityID - Entity ID of the Service Provider.
        true if the specified AuthnContextClassRef matches a list of requested AuthnContextClassRef