Class AssertionIDRequestUtil

  • @Supported
    public class AssertionIDRequestUtil
    extends Object
    This class provides methods to send or process AssertionIDRequest.
    • Method Detail

      • sendAssertionIDRequest

        public static Response sendAssertionIDRequest​(AssertionIDRequest assertionIDRequest,
                                                      String samlAuthorityEntityID,
                                                      String role,
                                                      String realm,
                                                      String binding)
                                               throws SAML2Exception
        Sends the AssertionIDRequest to specifiied Assertion ID Request Service and returns Response coming from the Assertion ID Request Service.
        assertionIDRequest - the AssertionIDRequest object
        samlAuthorityEntityID - entity ID of SAML authority
        role - SAML authority role, for example, SAML2Constants.ATTR_AUTH_ROLE, SAML2Constants.AUTHN_AUTH_ROLE or SAML2Constants.IDP_ROLE
        realm - the realm of hosted entity
        binding - the binding
        the Response object
        SAML2Exception - if the operation is not successful
      • sendAssertionIDRequestURI

        public static Assertion sendAssertionIDRequestURI​(String assertionID,
                                                          String samlAuthorityEntityID,
                                                          String role,
                                                          String realm)
                                                   throws SAML2Exception
        Sends the Assertion ID to specifiied Assertion ID Request Service and returns Assertion coming from the Assertion ID Request Service.
        assertionID - the asssertionID object
        samlAuthorityEntityID - entity ID of SAML authority
        role - SAML authority role, for example, SAML2Constants.ATTR_AUTH_ROLE, SAML2Constants.AUTHN_AUTH_ROLE or SAML2Constants.IDP_ROLE
        realm - the realm of hosted entity
        the Assertion object
        SAML2Exception - if the operation is not successful