Class NameIDMapping

  • @Supported
    public class NameIDMapping
    extends Object
    This class provides methods to send or process NameIDMappingRequest.
    • Method Detail

      • initiateNameIDMappingRequest

        public static NameIDMappingResponse initiateNameIDMappingRequest​(Object session,
                                                                         String realm,
                                                                         String spEntityID,
                                                                         String idpEntityID,
                                                                         String targetSPEntityID,
                                                                         String targetNameIDFormat,
                                                                         Map paramsMap)
                                                                  throws SAML2Exception
        Parses the request parameters and builds the NameIDMappingRequest to sent to remote identity provider.
        session - user session.
        realm - the realm of hosted entity
        spEntityID - entity ID of hosted service provider
        idpEntityID - entity ID of remote idendity provider
        targetSPEntityID - entity ID of target entity ID of service provider
        targetNameIDFormat - format of target Name ID
        paramsMap - Map of all other parameters
        the NameIDMappingResponse
        SAML2Exception - if error initiating request to remote entity.