Class DecryptAction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DecryptAction
    extends Object
    implements PrivilegedAction
    The class is used to perform privileged operation with AccessController.doPrivileged() when using to decrypt passwords. Ths class implements the interface PrivilegedAction with a non-default constructor. This class should be used in order to perform the privileged operation of
     This line of code: String encStr =; should be replaced with:
     String encStr = (String) AccessController.doPrivileged( new
     DecryptAction(str)); If this is not done and Java security permissions check
     is enabled, then the operation will fail and return a null everytime.
     Note: Java security permissions check for OpenAM can be enabled by
     setting the property to
     true in AMConfig properties file.
    • Field Detail

      • value

        protected String value
    • Constructor Detail

      • DecryptAction

        public DecryptAction​(String svalue)
        Non default constructor to be used when a doPrivileged() is performed for the decryption operations.
        svalue - Value of string to be encoded/decoded