Interface BlobStrategy

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface BlobStrategy
    Responsible for defining the interface of the Token Blob Strategy. Each implementation is expected to modify the Token in some consistent way. The strategy should be symmetrical. Once performed, it should be possible to reverse the process and visa versa.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      byte[] perform​(byte[] blob)
      Perform the operation on the Token.
      byte[] reverse​(byte[] blob)
      Reverse the operation on the Token.
    • Method Detail

      • perform

        byte[] perform​(byte[] blob)
                throws TokenStrategyFailedException
        Perform the operation on the Token. This operation is expected to modify the Token in some way which will require reversing in the opposite direction.
        blob - Non null Token data to modify.
        TokenStrategyFailedException - If an error occurred whilst processing the Token.
      • reverse

        byte[] reverse​(byte[] blob)
                throws TokenStrategyFailedException
        Reverse the operation on the Token. This operation is expected to modify the Token in some way which can be reversed by performing it again.
        blob - Non null Token data to modify.
        TokenStrategyFailedException - If an error occurred whilst processing the Token.