Class IotPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class IotPlugin
    extends AbstractNodeAmPlugin
    Installs the IoT authentication nodes and services.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IotPlugin

        public IotPlugin()
    • Method Detail

      • getPluginVersion

        public String getPluginVersion()
        Description copied from interface: AmPlugin
        The plugin version. This must be in semver (semantic version) format.
        The version of the plugin.
        See Also:
        Semantic Versioning
      • getNodesByVersion

        protected Map<String,​Iterable<? extends Class<? extends Node>>> getNodesByVersion()
        Description copied from class: AbstractNodeAmPlugin
        Retrieve the Map of list of node classes that the plugin is providing. The mappings returned describe which nodes have been introduced in which version of this plugin. For example:
             return ImmutableMap.of(
                     "1.0.0", asList(ChoiceCollectorNode.class),
                     "2.0.0", asList(SetPersistentCookieNode.class));
        Tells that this node plugin's 1.0.0 version has introduced the ChoiceCollectorNode, the 2.0.0 version has introduced the SetPersistentCookieNode.
        getNodesByVersion in class AbstractNodeAmPlugin
        The list of node classes.