Class Saml2ResponseData

  • public class Saml2ResponseData
    extends Object
    Response data from SAML2 IDP, combined here for ease of access.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Saml2ResponseData

        public Saml2ResponseData()
        Dummy creator, used by databinder to generate this POJO.
      • Saml2ResponseData

        public Saml2ResponseData​(String sessionIndex,
                                 Subject subject,
                                 Assertion assertion,
                                 com.sun.identity.saml2.profile.ResponseInfo responseInfo,
                                 AuthnRequest authnRequest)
        Combine a new set of SAML2 response data as a single object.
        sessionIndex - Session index used for this authentication. SAML2 specs allow it to be optional (null).
        subject - Subject about whom this authentication provides information.
        assertion - Assertion for this subject's authentication.
        responseInfo - Response Information pertaining to the authentication.
        authnRequest - The SAML2 authentication request that was used to initiate SAML.
    • Method Detail

      • setSubject

        public void setSubject​(Subject subject)
        Sets the subject value.
        subject - value of the subject.
      • setAssertion

        public void setAssertion​(Assertion assertion)
        Sets the assertion.
        assertion - value of the assertion.
      • setSessionIndex

        public void setSessionIndex​(String sessionIndex)
        Sets the sessionIndex value.
        sessionIndex - value of the sessionIndex.
      • setResponseInfo

        public void setResponseInfo​(com.sun.identity.saml2.profile.ResponseInfo responseInfo)
        Sets the responseInfo value.
        responseInfo - value of the responseInfo.
      • getSubject

        public Subject getSubject()
        Get the subject. Will not be null.
        the subject.
      • getAssertion

        public Assertion getAssertion()
        Get the assertion. Will not be null.
        the assertion.
      • getSessionIndex

        public String getSessionIndex()
        Get the session index. Will not be null.
        the session index.
      • getResponseInfo

        public com.sun.identity.saml2.profile.ResponseInfo getResponseInfo()
        Get the response info. Will not be null.
        the response info.
      • getAuthnRequest

        public AuthnRequest getAuthnRequest()
        Get the original authentication request.
        The original authentication request.