Class Saml2SsoResult

  • public class Saml2SsoResult
    extends Object
    This POJO contains information collated during SAML2 response processing.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Saml2SsoResult

        public Saml2SsoResult​(String universalId,
                              NameID nameId,
                              Set<PrivateKey> decryptionKeys,
                              boolean shouldPersistNameId)
        universalId - The user's universal ID. May be null if the account mapping was unsuccessful.
        nameId - The the potentially decrypted NameID object.
        decryptionKeys - The decryption keys to use when SAML2 attributes need to be decrypted.
        shouldPersistNameId - Whether the account link needs to be persisted.
    • Method Detail

      • getUniversalId

        public String getUniversalId()
        Returns the user's universal ID.
        The user's universal ID. May be null.
      • getNameId

        public NameID getNameId()
        Returns the NameID object from the assertion.
        The NameID object.
      • getDecryptionKeys

        public Set<PrivateKey> getDecryptionKeys()
        Returns the decryption keys that can be used to decrypt the attributes in the assertion.
        The decryption keys.
      • shouldPersistNameId

        public boolean shouldPersistNameId()
        Returns whether the NameID mapping should be stored in the user data store.
        Whether the NameID mapping should be stored in the user data store.