Annotation Type ApiError

  • public @interface ApiError
    Details of an error that could be returned.
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      int code
      The error code that will be returned in this situation.
      String description
      A description of the error condition, and what may have caused it.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      Schema detailSchema
      The schema for the error detail, if relevant.
      String id
      An identifier for this error condition.
    • Element Detail

      • code

        int code
        The error code that will be returned in this situation.
      • description

        String description
        A description of the error condition, and what may have caused it.
      • id

        String id
        An identifier for this error condition. If specified, this error will be defined at the top-level and referenced when used. If not specified, this error will be declared inline.
      • detailSchema

        Schema detailSchema
        The schema for the error detail, if relevant.